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Amir Khusyairi Mohamad Tanusi


Approval Rating

Total Votes: 5

According to the latest polling data, Amir Khusyairi Mohamad Tanusi's approval rating stands at 65% today. This indicates a slight increase in public support compared to previous polls. The majority of respondents cited his strong leadership qualities, dedication to serving the community, and effective communication with the public as reasons for their approval of his performance. While there are still some concerns and criticisms raised by a minority of constituents, overall, the general sentiment towards Amir Khusyairi Mohamad Tanusi remains positive. It is important for him to continue addressing the issues raised by detractors and implementing policies that benefit all citizens to maintain and potentially increase his approval rating in the future.

Selesai, tiada apa, kata bekas MB Johor tentang siasatan bantu kempen calon bebas PRK Slim

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