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Yang Amat Berhormat

Khairy Jamaluddin

MP Rembau

Approval Rating

Total Votes: 43

As of today, Khairy Jamaluddin's approval rating stands at 60%. This figure is based on recent surveys conducted among the public regarding his performance as a government minister. While some may have reservations about certain policies or decisions made by Khairy, a majority of respondents have shown their support for his leadership and initiatives. His proactive approach to handling various issues, as well as his commitment to serving the people, have resonated positively with many individuals. Overall, Khairy Jamaluddin continues to enjoy a solid level of approval from the public, indicating a level of trust and confidence in his abilities.

Khairy confirmed as one of five vice presidents of World Health Assembly

KUALA LUMPUR: Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin has been appointed as one of the five vice-presidents of the 75th World Health Assembly, which is ongoing in Geneva, Switzerland. Read full story